Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Brighter Side

The kids had a lot of fun in Grandma & Grandpa's back yard.
("The kids" includes Jon, of course!)
Now that's what I call an underdog.
Getting some air.
Note to self: Get a shotgun.
Slide collision!
I love this picture.
Framed by the tunnel, tree shadows stretching in the distance, the sunlight bouncing around the tunnel, the reflection on the slide. If Junior's whole face reflection had been in the picture, I might submit it to a contest.
Gotta get that shotgun!
Daddy's turn.
I don't know why, but every time Daddy gets involved, the boys start taking greater risks.
Traffic jam on the slide!
And now for the greater risk.
Note the open mouth. Junior is making a swoosh sound effect.
He is just like his father, who likes to make sound effect noises with every special thing he does. Of course, the kids love it. I never really realized I did it until Junior came along.
The long climb.
Sliding through the Golden Daddy Bridge.
Or maybe the Jean Leg Daddy Bridge is more appropriate.

And now for the head-first ride down the slide with Junior on my back.
LOL - I guess I'm making sound effects in this picture, huh?
I think mine was not a "swoosh", but a "whooooaaaa!"
On Grandma's sacred glider.
We stopped at a park on the ride home, so Syl could feed Jules.
Stephen was asleep.
More swing time.
Always posing.
Okay...who's gonna win?
Thankfully, there were many brighter moments on the trip.


Deborah said...

Love these happy times! Outings and events like slides and pretty places to swing are some of my favorite Mommy memories...

Keep up the great work on your blog...the new header is soooo pretty!

Leah-Joy said...

The pics by the lake are GORGEOUS!!!
And about the shotgun, You are absolutely right! And the pic of Junior is precious! All of your children are precious!


Hope said...

The pictures are beautiful! Your children are so photogenic.