Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Joyce June Wheaton Sterling

In Loving Memory of
Joyce June Wheaton Sterling
June 4, 1930 - April 12, 2008
Gone Home, Too
On a cold and breezy April day,
Under clouds that kept the sun at bay,
Someone stole away a woman we love,
And took her home to heaven above.
On this earth she touched so many lives,
And lived a life for which one strives.
A wife who loved her husband so;
She only nitpicked so he might grow.
A mother who loved her children dearly,
And wanted the best for them so sincerely.
A grandma who doted on every grandchild;
She pushed them and praised them, loving them all the while.
A teacher who taught from her teens 'til life's end;
With a heart for her students, she was teacher and friend.
She worked hard for her church, with the best of intention;
Often her work would go without mention.
Whether gardening or teaching, or any need she'd find,
She'd jump in with her heart, two feet not far behind.
If you stood beside Joyce for a moment or two,
You could not depart without knowing her view.
She affected so many, was involved in so much,
That you couldn't live near without feeling her touch.
And though we all mourn, for she's no longer here,
We rejoice, for where she is, there's no pain, not a tear.
For the clouds could not keep the Son at bay,
And Joyce is at home in heaven today.
Jonathan D. Caruvana
April 15, 2008

1 comment:

beth said...

I hope things chill out for you all. I can't even imagine how taxing the trip was on all you.
Summer is in the home stretch so happy warm & fun summer to you all:)
If you are ever in the area let me know.It would be great to get others in the area together too.
Take care