Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Brighter Side

The kids had a lot of fun in Grandma & Grandpa's back yard.
("The kids" includes Jon, of course!)
Now that's what I call an underdog.
Getting some air.
Note to self: Get a shotgun.
Slide collision!
I love this picture.
Framed by the tunnel, tree shadows stretching in the distance, the sunlight bouncing around the tunnel, the reflection on the slide. If Junior's whole face reflection had been in the picture, I might submit it to a contest.
Gotta get that shotgun!
Daddy's turn.
I don't know why, but every time Daddy gets involved, the boys start taking greater risks.
Traffic jam on the slide!
And now for the greater risk.
Note the open mouth. Junior is making a swoosh sound effect.
He is just like his father, who likes to make sound effect noises with every special thing he does. Of course, the kids love it. I never really realized I did it until Junior came along.
The long climb.
Sliding through the Golden Daddy Bridge.
Or maybe the Jean Leg Daddy Bridge is more appropriate.

And now for the head-first ride down the slide with Junior on my back.
LOL - I guess I'm making sound effects in this picture, huh?
I think mine was not a "swoosh", but a "whooooaaaa!"
On Grandma's sacred glider.
We stopped at a park on the ride home, so Syl could feed Jules.
Stephen was asleep.
More swing time.
Always posing.
Okay...who's gonna win?
Thankfully, there were many brighter moments on the trip.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Michigan Pilgrimage

Our trip to Michigan was filled with sadness, but also with moments of joy. It was good to have everyone together around the kitchen table again. It was sad that it took Mom's death to bring us together.
Uncle Kyran really enjoyed hanging out with Julia Grace.
And Julia Grace loved cuddling with her Grandpa.
Cousin Lanette did artwork for the kids...
...and they were thrilled and proud to have those drawings.
The kids were enthralled with Grandpa filling the bird feeders.
After the first viewing, we picked up the kids at the Montefusco home. Amy kindly volunteered to watch our kids, who absolutely loved being there. Junior wanted to go back the next day. Amy took this picture of us. At the viewing, it was sad to see Mom. She looked like she could have sat up and said, "What are you all doing?!" But it was good to talk to old friends, to be comforted by and to comfort familiar faces.
We enjoyed a night at the Nagles, who generously invited us over for dinner. It was nice to relax and play some PS2 games. I haven't done that since...well, since the last time Tony had me over (many years ago in a land far, far away).
It was good to see Tony and Beth again.
Our kids had a lot of fun with Allie and the Nagle pets.
Syndi was able to reconnect with Allie...
...and with Jason Montefusco, friends from days gone by.
Sylvia and Amy enjoyed some time together.
It was good to be with old friends.
(No, I'm not calling them old! Though someone did mention a number with a four on the front and a zero on the end.)
The week wore us out completely. It was non-stop, go-go-go, be here, get that, do this, write those, decide, select, drive, run....even Jules was worn out by the end. But she found a place of respite in Grandpa's arms.

Joyce June Wheaton Sterling

In Loving Memory of
Joyce June Wheaton Sterling
June 4, 1930 - April 12, 2008
Gone Home, Too
On a cold and breezy April day,
Under clouds that kept the sun at bay,
Someone stole away a woman we love,
And took her home to heaven above.
On this earth she touched so many lives,
And lived a life for which one strives.
A wife who loved her husband so;
She only nitpicked so he might grow.
A mother who loved her children dearly,
And wanted the best for them so sincerely.
A grandma who doted on every grandchild;
She pushed them and praised them, loving them all the while.
A teacher who taught from her teens 'til life's end;
With a heart for her students, she was teacher and friend.
She worked hard for her church, with the best of intention;
Often her work would go without mention.
Whether gardening or teaching, or any need she'd find,
She'd jump in with her heart, two feet not far behind.
If you stood beside Joyce for a moment or two,
You could not depart without knowing her view.
She affected so many, was involved in so much,
That you couldn't live near without feeling her touch.
And though we all mourn, for she's no longer here,
We rejoice, for where she is, there's no pain, not a tear.
For the clouds could not keep the Son at bay,
And Joyce is at home in heaven today.
Jonathan D. Caruvana
April 15, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

FE Exam on Saturday

Jon is taking his Fundamentals of Engineering Exam this Saturday. This is the book (above) he's been using to prepare for it. The exam starts Saturday morning at 7:40 AM, and goes for 8 hours (two 4-hour sessions) with a lunch break in the middle. He should be done around 5 PM. He's been studying as he can over the last few months, but still feels totally unprepared. There is just so much material. The things he covered three months ago are a distant memory.
The book is about 2 inches thick. The exam will cover engineering math, statics, dynamics, materials engineering, fluids, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, engineering statistics and probability, chemistry, computers, engineering economics, ethics, process design and control, health and environmental engineering, and even biology.
They provide a 250+ page book with equations and tables (above).
It should be interesting.
Your prayers would be much appreciated.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New CFC Look!

In case you haven't noticed, we have a few new looks on our blog.
We have changed the header, added a clock, and added a poll.
(See right side for the poll.)
Go ahead, answer the poll question. And, for this first one, go ahead and tell us if it's dumb (i.e., you don't want to be forced to answer a stupid poll).
Feel free to comment on the blog and its new look.
We like comments.
Let me say that again: we like comments.
And thank you, Deborah, for your comments!
You are very kind.
The picture above is a picture of Jules run through a painting filter.
Click on the picture to see the larger version and get the true effect.