We had a small "swim party" in our back yard. Below you see our spread. We had Junior's new slide and pool as well as a slip-n-slide. You can see the encroaching garden in the upper left.

Yes, small...just our three kids and a friend for Junior...Caleb
McCurry. This was in lieu of any friends for his birthday.

Junior was loving it! Above you see him sliding in upside-down and backwards.

Here is a more traditional approach. Note the big smile.
Syndi enjoyed the fun, too.

StevieBoy was a riot. He had no fear. And again he fed off the excitement of the other kids.

Here you see
Syndi sliding into her little bro. Note the cool splash action in the bottom left.

Did I mention he had no fear. Of course that led to him landing on his bottom hard a few times, but he didn't mind. In the picture above, I think he's completely airborne.

Junior did some pretty nifty sliding.

Syndi made a big
splash several times.

Check out the look on that face!
Stevie Boy was really loving this water-slide thingy.

Junior and
Syndi decided to start
drinking the water...

...and like a little brother, Stephen had to
imitate them. Isn't that a classic shot?!

We finished the fun off with lunch on the deck.
What could be better than pizza rolls?
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