Julia is ten days old today, and in honor of that milestone, I am posting the visitors she has had so far. Wouldn't you know she's had 10 visitors (folks other than our immediate family).

Precious Julia Grace resting peacefully tonight in her bassinet.

Joan Blackwelder, a wonderful friend from church, held Julia the day she was born.

Andrea McCurry, good friend and Pastor's wife visited at age 1 day.

Grandpa Sterling, who visited on Julia's birth day, came to say goodbye at age 2 days...

...with Grandma Sterling, first here on Julia's birth day, and again at age 2 days.

Roz Batchelor, our kind and generous neighbor, came by at age 2 days also.

Lorrie Farmer, Julia's Great Aunt, also at age 2 days.

Becky Couch, the leader at Sylvia's Ladies Bible study, came by with food at age 5 days...

...with Rebecca Molyneux, also from the Bible Study group, at age 5 days.

Deborah Smith, dear friend and fellow homeschool mom, came by with her girls at age 6 days.

Aunt Val, who graciously flew in Saturday night to help when Jon returned to work, held Julia the night she flew in from Texas, at age 6 days.
It has been pretty quiet here (at least on the visitor front, because with 4 kids it's never really quiet) the last few days. Ten days and all is well. Praise God for our newest little blessing!
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