Jon Junior turned 4 last weekend!

We had a birthday dinner at home. Grandma and Aunt Lorrie were in attendance. We had a Disney© "Cars" theme going on.

Junior was so excited. (Stephen was, too. He just didn't know why. He could just sense the excitement around him.) Above he receives his birthday card from Syndi.

Syndi worked hard to include the Disney© "Cars" theme in her card for Junior. Notice Lightning McQueen and Mater on the inside above.

Junior was really excited to receive his new Bible. He's had me read stories to him from it a few nights this past week.

Junior got a new alligator squirt gun from Aunt Lorrie...

...which he'll use while he swims in his new pool! (It was from Grandma.)

Syndi was as eager to see the cards and gifts as Junior was.

Junior was all smiles the whole time! We were sure his face would eventually crack from smiling so much. It's nice to see the excitement in him.

Aunt Lorrie joined in the spirit by wearing her birthday hat, too.

The birthday boy just before we returned for the birthday dessert.

Cupcakes! And they're on fire! Oh...those are candles.

Stephen wore some cupcake.

Syndi ate her cupcake, frosting first (of course).

Happy Birthday JuneBug!
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