Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caruvanas ~ Around & About

With 4 kids, a lot goes on around the Caruvana house.
Here Stephen is wearing some foo-foo thing on his head.
Junior helped out by giving Jules a bath one day.
He looks like he's having entirely too much fun.
The Caruvana family went out for a bike ride one day...
...Jules really enjoyed being in the Burley.
Seems like not that long ago Syndi rode in there.
Ah, Cheerios...a family fave. Can't you tell?
Syl came home with a couple of new boxes one night, and I went to put them away and realized we had a whole product line of Cheerios!
The Caruvana Men.
The Caruvana Men looking tough.
It's the Italian.
Syndi & Jules relaxing at Martha Berry's Oak Hill Museum.
Syndi & Junior present their crafty treat...
...yummy and made to like like crayons.
Little Miss Julia.
...the girl with the chipped tooth...
Julia Grace Caruvana

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Great story through pics.