This is the Snot Monster.
Not very intimidating looking.
Many years ago in Michigan,
Syndi and Jon began a flashlight game where they'd turn off all the lights and go from room to room in the house with flashlights, looking and making sure everything was clear and safe.
(Here the Snot Monster makes a mess in Syndi's room and scribbles on her stuff with crayon!)
After we moved to Georgia and as we added kids, we turned it into the Snot Monster game...where we all hunt down the Snot Monster.
(Here the Snot Monster is in Syndi's bed jamming on her microphone!)
The last time we played, in August, The Snot Monster took shape in the form of this innocent-looking stuffed bear-rabbit-thing. He's hideous, simply hideous!
(Here the Snot Monster steals a few sips from Mommy's glass of water!)
We received a secret package in the mail, with information on the suspect...the Snot Monster.
(Here the Snot Monster makes a mess in the bathroom, where he unwinds some toilet paper!)
The packaged detailed crime perpetrated by the Snot Monster.
These pictures were enclosed as evidence.
(Here the Snot Monster squirts toothpaste all over the sink!)
We carefully searched each room, making sure everything was clear.
We eventually found the Snot Monster in the rec room closet, hiding for his pursuers!
(Here the Snot Monster trashes the trash!)The kids love it and beg to play (far too often).
Even Julia gets into it...or especially gets into.
loves yelling "ALL CLEAR" as we prepare to enter a room.
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