For Labor Day Weekend, or at least on the Friday and Saturday, we headed for Chattanooga, Tennessee. Friday morning we met with our GRACE
homeschool group at the News Channel 9 Science Theater.

We spent some time in the theater, where 40 kids and probably 25 parents learned about electricity. Above you see a chain of conductors (also know as our children) interlocking arms so the current can pass through them. And, yes, our enthusiastic lecture leader was more than happy to shock the kids!

She cranked away on the device above to let the kids see if the electricity would pass through them when various materials were inserted in the chain (glass, plastic, wood, leather, and finally metal).

She later put moms in a cage and directed a mega-volt contraption at the cage. Above you can actually see the electricity arcing towards the cage. Don't worry - they all survived as the charge passed through the cage into the grounded floor. Whew!

She then directed the charge at some balloons. These balloons were filled with helium, hydrogen, and finally oxygen. For the oxygen-filled balloon, she was insisting that everyone cover his ears. Well, I couldn't because...

...I was too busy trying to time my snap perfectly to catch this cool explosion on camera! I got it, as you can see above. I also had a ringing in my ears for several minutes. I guarantee I lost some years on my ears with that bang.

Julia took it all in stride, not whining a wink, let alone crying. Our other three participated in everything. Even though Stephen was technically not involved, he was there every step of the way, craning to see what
Syndi and Junior were doing, and trying things out himself.

Junior enjoyed this contraption. He loves to go his own way.

Here we are at a table, trying to see what types of materials conduct electricity (a penny, a washer, fabric, foil, plastic, wood, etc.).

One of the employees helped our tykes with their potato- and apple-powered clocks. Pretty fascinating.
Syndi worked hard to assemble this little music player at a different station. She did well. She also learned a lot about electricity. After the science theater, we at lunch in the mall, then headed to The Creative Discovery museum. We'll post pictures from that next time.
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