Syndi, Junior and Stephen enjoyed a fun evening outside recently. The weather here in Georgia has been beautiful! Seems we may have skipped spring and gone straight to summer. Bicycle rides, walks, and playground fun often punctuate our day.

Watching the sun set up the street makes it all the more

beautiful. Here you'll see Syndi and Junior going toe-to-toe on the slide and standing on their swings. Stephen really enjoyed his ride. Junior (a much bigger risk-taker than Syndi ever was) went backwards down the slide and also enjoyed a push from his big sister.

Oh, and CiCi looked on enviously, barking loudly at times. After we went inside, the kids asked to take pictures, so we had Syndi take a picture of Sylvia and Jon together. (Junior's attempts at the same produced some interesting views of shirts, the couch, partial faces, etc.) It was a good end to a fun evening. [Click on a picture to see a larger version of it.]

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