On Thursday night, July 2
nd, Jon flew up to Michigan.
On Friday, July 3rd, Jon, Justin Pouch and Tony Nagle loaded an ABF freight truck with lots of stuff from Dad's house. Jon still can't believe that piano didn't roll back and crush him.
On Saturday morning, July 4th, the Caruvana clan packed the minivan and drove north to Harrisville State Park, where we set up camp.
Syndi had spent the week at camp
Barakel, and we would need to pick her up on Tuesday. The rest of us tented for a few days on the shores of Lake Huron. Saturday night we went down to the shore of the lake and watched the fireworks displays. The closest fireworks were from the
Harrisville celebration, which we watched as we stood a few feet from the lapping waves and looked to the north. Two other displays could be seen to the south, probably the
Oscada/Au Sable and the
Tawas Point fireworks. It was pretty cool.

We had fun in the tent.
As you can see, we had a nice view of the neighbor's campground. We could hear the waves lapping on the shores of Lake Huron throughout the night. It was a soothing sound.

After we picked
Syndi up on Tuesday, Junior, Stephen and
Syndi sqeezed into their sleeping bags on one side of the tent. Julia slept nearby in her pack-n-play.
Syl and I slept in our sleeping bags on the other side of the tent.
Next we'll post some pictures of our visits to the beach.
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