Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Awana Grand Prix 2008

We had our Awana Grand Prix this past Sunday at our church, Pleasant Valley North Baptist Church.
Each of our three oldest kids made a car.
Syndi had a grand idea of making a horse race car. She drew it up, and Daddy shot it down. But, being an engineer, Daddy couldn't go without thinking about how he might actually make it work, and had it worked out about 10 minutes later.
So Syndi had a cool horse for a car, which took the prize for best design in the T&T group.
Junior wanted a Batman race car, so we made one, even with the rear wing design. Junior was a bit disappointed that he didn't win a design prize, but he's very happy to have a car to race around the house with last year's Lightning McQueen car we made.
For Stephen's first Awana Grand Prix car, we made a little red racer with green stripes. He was so excited, he wanted to play with it as soon as we finished gluing the wheels on! We had to keep it from him so it survived until the race. As it was, as soon as he'd lost his two races, he started playing with it and chipped off part of the rear fin before we even left the church.
The race went well. Especially for everyone else. It was double elimination, so two losses and you're out. With three Caruvana cars in the race, we had a total of six races. Yes, each of our kids lost his or her first two races. Six attempts, six losses. Not a good record, especially for the children of an engineer. Daddy just hasn't figured out the tricks the other dads must know. Oh well. They'll get another shot next year!
The kids had fun, and enjoyed pizza afterwards.
It was another fun Awana night!


Leah-Joy said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time! Love all of the cars! They are so awesome! All of the kiddies are so creative!

Leah-Joy said...

Hey Mr. Jon, just wanted to tell you that our uncle is engineer and he told us to sand of wheels! They didn't REALLY fast but it did help!

Deborah said...

Your family is an inspiration to a country where children are expense accounts ... keep your faith, and keep up the good works for the Lord.