Friday, February 29, 2008

Junior's Artwork

Junior's been doing some artwork of his own lately. Above you can see Mommy caught in the rain (all coming straight down, as Junior pointed out) and lightning (in yellow below the clouds). Here we are inside the house during a storm. We are sitting around the dinner table enjoying a salad. The green is the lettuce; the red is the tomatoes; the orange is the carrots. Junior said we had to stay inside, because the rain would get us wet, or the wind might blow us away, or the lightning could hit us.
Um, we're not quite sure what this was. But I guarantee it came with a good story, because Junior's artwork always comes with a lengthy narrative.
Ah, Junior the Master Artist. "Voila!"
And just as any good artwork carries with it a telling story, any good artist carries with him a unique signature. We hereby give you Junior, punctuated by a football!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Crazy Hair Night 2008!

We had our annual Crazy Hair Night at Awana the other night.
Our family participated whole-heartedly!
Unfortunately, no other leaders participated, but we got lots of comments on our hair. As you can see, Junior and Stephen were done up with some wild 'dos!
It was a family affair, as we all crowded into our bathroom, making ourselves...ahem, uh, "pretty." Syl had her hair in numerous pony tails all around her head. Stephen's hair was gelled up and spiked out. Junior's spiked hair was sprayed purple, gold and blue. Jon had the same, but Junior's was more vivid on that blond hair.
And every crazy hairdo goes well with a crazy face, right?
(Must start training them early! :-) )

Syndi went with three braids, two purple on the sides, and one black at the rear.
Junior really got into the "crazy" part of the night.
We had a lot of crazy hairdos at Awana Sunday night.
It was a fun night for our family.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sparks-a-rama 2008

This year's PVNBC Sparks-a-rama team included 3 Caruvanas again. The only difference was we traded a Jon Sr. for a Jon Jr. Since Jon is taking a class each Saturday preparing to take his Fundamentals of Engineering exam he was unable to coach with Sylvia this year. And since our Sparks club is short on boys, we borrowed 2 Cubbies (Junior and his friend Caleb) in order to have a full team.

The kids always enjoy getting to shake hands with Sparky and Cubbie Bear.

The first event is always the Sparky Crawl. It doesn't look too bad in this picture, but just ahead the kids will encounter 30 other Sparkies crawling in opposition to them. Syndi is in the upper left (with blue pants) and Junior is on the right (with red pants). Syndi did well again this year in the Sparky Safari; running around the circle with a beanbag on her head. It's hard to believe that 2 years ago, we couldn't even put her in this event because she wouldn't go around the circle by herself.
The girls took the 2nd place points with the Sparky Train. Here they are lined up ready to run around the circle.

The boy's train took a detour as Caleb lost his shoe and led his team in circles trying to get it back.
We were in last place for most of the afternoon. Coming into the last game, the Balloon Pop, we were tied for 3rd (out of 4 teams). Syndi had begged to be the girl balloon-popper, and since this is the last year she is eligible to be on the team, I decided to let her do it. She did an awesome job and we took the first place points for the game.

We had to play the game one more time with a boy popping the balloon. You have to understand that in years past this has always been our worst event. But, this year, the balloon sailed through everyone's legs and our boy was able to pop it quickly to take the first place points again.

Our whole team was thrilled when they called out our name as the 2nd place winners!The day was a lot of fun and a huge success! Stephen even enjoyed watching all the activity.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2007 Chronicle Released

Our "Christmas 2007" edition of the Caruvana Family Chronicle is complete! We're only two months late, so it looks more like a "Valentines 2008" edition. The first copies went out last Friday. We're to the P's in the alphabet (just for you, Marzy & JP). Have a great 2008! (If you click on the picture above, you'll see a readable view of page 1.)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Syndi's Campout

Syndi went on her first-ever Girl Scouts camping trip a week ago. She came home exhausted, but she said she had a great time. Since February is considered winter even in Georgia, the girls stayed in a cabin. They slept in bunkbeds and had a kitchen in which they could make meals.
The leaders planned a lot of activities to keep the girls busy all weekend. They used coffee cans with saran wrap to look into the water and make discoveries.

They tried their hands at tie-dying a t-shirt. Syndi's turned out pretty cool looking.

They each brought fabric with them and worked on making their own blanket. Syndi loves hers and can be found cuddling up in it often.

Syndi said they tried to make them throw away the scraps, but she snuck some home. (Her Grandma has taught her to NEVER throw away fabric no matter how miniscule.)There was definitely some time for goofing off and playing games. Coming from a die-hard game-playing family, this was her one frustration, as many games were started, but none were seen through to completion.
Definitely the highlight of the trip for Syndi was the opportunity to ride a horse. Syndi has developed a love for horses, but has never had an opportunity to ride a real one. (Unless riding a pony at the fair counts.)

All in all, it was a good experience for Syndi.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Are An En-gun-ear

Okay, so I'm heading downstairs to leave for work the other day, and Junior says something to the effect of "Stephen is sad because you're going to work on the train today." I made some acknowledgment response, but was a little puzzled. Then I realized he must've meant Stephen was sad because I was leaving and wouldn't work on some toy train he had. (Our kids have lots of train toys.) I knew Stephen couldn't be thinking I was an engineer who worked on a train, because Junior would've corrected him and laughed at the, right?
As I walked through the family room, where Syndi was reading (as she spends hours a day doing!), I paused to ask her if Junior thought I worked on a train, which got a nice laugh out of her. I asked her to try to make sure Junior knew what kind of engineer I was sometime during the day. Then I headed off to work and forgot all about it. The next day I went to work again, but this time I remembered Junior's statement, and decided to ask Sylvia about it. I called her, and she insisted Junior didn't think that, that he knew I didn't drive a train. I asked her to ask him just to be sure.

Well, I heard back from Sylvia a little while later, and, sure enough, Junior actually thought I was an engineer that drove a train. The only thing we could figure was that he learned the term engineer from watching Thomas the Tank Engine and associated it with the knowledge that I was an engineer. The obvious conclusion - obviously - was that Daddy drove a train!

So Junior was off a little on that one, but he was way cute in his innocent misunderstanding.
So just for the record, I don't drive a train. I work in a firm that supplies material handling/warehousing storage rack. But if I did drive a train, it'd have to be one of those super-high-speed puppies, because I have a need for speed, baby!