She turned 8 on Sunday.

Junior drew, cut and taped this arrow to the mailbox to make sure the guest knew where to go.

Their first order of business was to...
...er, run upstairs to Syndi's room and scream like little girls...
...but then they came down and made their party hats.
Then they all had lunch.

And in between, more running up to Syndi's room and screaming like little girls.

After more - you guessed it - screaming in Syndi's room, they all came back down to play a marshmallow game. It involved a blindfold and some spinning, followed by an attempt at coordination.

He wanted so much to be a part of everything, but you know how little girls can be.
Besides the running and screaming, I mean.
It was tough on him.

Junior got his big chance. He, too, got to get blindfolded, spun and tried to scoop marshmallows into a bowl.

You know, foo-foo stuff.

And now she's 8 years old.
Man, that makes me feel old.
Happy birthday Syndi!
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