Thursday, January 31, 2008

2008 Election: An Interesting Look At Experience

The 2008 primaries are upon us.
We here in Georgia will be voting on Super Tuesday next week.
In light of a recent e-mail slandering the Clintons for some legal things they are supposedly taking advantage of (some of which were not true, others of which I have no problem with), I went to to check out the validity of the e-mail.
(Seriously, people, check these things out before you forward them!
And frankly, why pick on the legal items when they've done so many completely illegal things?!)
So in the course of gathering information for a reply e-mail (you don't want to get me started), I came across an article adressing the validity of the following editorial:
or another link
The editorial is by a Canadian journalist, Theo Caldwell, looking from the outside in on American politics. It's a rather perceptive review of the qualifications of the candidates, both Democrat and Republican. And in the end, the choice seems obvious, regardless of the final candidates.
See for yourself - click on one of the links above to go to the article.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Valentines Chronicle?

Well, if we were running a little late last year, I guess we're running a LOT late this year. We're working on the next Caruvana Family Chronicle, but it probably won't arrive till about Valentines Day. Right now we're having some difficulties getting the printout to work right, but I'm guessing that has something to do with this new Vista software. Sooner or later it will go out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Julia Is 6 Months Old

Julia Grace is now 6 months old!
We took her 6-month pictures here at home.
"Oh is that what we're doing?"
Yes, Jules, so smile big!
"Hmmm, I'm not so sure about this."
Oh, c'mon - everyone will love the photos.
"Listen here, bub. I'm done! No more pictures.
And don't make me get an attitude!"
OK, if you insist, Jules.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let It Snow!

Yes, Let It Snow!
But in Georgia? Finally, YES!
Above is a small snowman Syndi built on the back deck.

At work, this is what our property looked like.

I even took a picture of myself. Snow on my lapel.

This is what my car looked like at 5 PM.
This is what my car looked like 2 hours later, at 7 PM.
Sylvia took this shot out our back door.
Tonight the flakes kept falling.
And Syndi made a snowball.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Syndi's 8th Birthday!

This was the cake for Syndi's birthday.
She turned 8 on Sunday.
We had a birthday party at the house for her.
Junior drew, cut and taped this arrow to the mailbox to make sure the guest knew where to go.
Syndi had five girls over to celebrate with her.
Their first order of business was to..., run upstairs to Syndi's room and scream like little girls...
...but then they came down and made their party hats.
Then they all had lunch.
Julia got to sport a party hat also.
We had a balloon game, and later a musical cats game (like musical chairs).
And in between, more running up to Syndi's room and screaming like little girls.
Then they ate birthday cake.
It appears they were having fun.
After more - you guessed it - screaming in Syndi's room, they all came back down to play a marshmallow game. It involved a blindfold and some spinning, followed by an attempt at coordination.
Junior looked on wistfully.
He wanted so much to be a part of everything, but you know how little girls can be.
Besides the running and screaming, I mean.
It was tough on him.
The marshmallow game was a riot, watching these girls scoop marshmallows in all directions. Junior and Stephen watched curiously.
Then, finally...
Junior got his big chance. He, too, got to get blindfolded, spun and tried to scoop marshmallows into a bowl.
Then the girls did a craft, making some party duds...masks, wands, necklaces.
You know, foo-foo stuff.
Then after the girls went up to Syndi's room and...well, you know...then they all came to the living room where Syndi opened presents.
Syndi had a lot of fun.
And now she's 8 years old.
Man, that makes me feel old.
Happy birthday Syndi!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

2007 Blog Stats

Thank you for visiting!
2007 was a good first year, with 70 posts!

We had 571 page loads over the last year.
Our high was 34 page loads on a day, as the chart above shows (Oct).
Granted, two or three were from us, before we knew how to block our visits.
And I'd estimate 65% were visits by Mary and Naomi.
(You know who you are! And OK, maybe it wasn't that much.)
Probably 50-55 actual visitors, some returning more than others.
Maybe 10-15 accidental visitors.
Interesting stuff, eh? OK, maybe just to me.
Oh, and feel free to leave comments. We love feedback.