Julia has been a joyous addition to our household! Stephen likes to call her "my Julia," which sparks jealous arguments of "my Julia" from both Syndi and Junior. All day Sylvia hears "can I hold Julia now?" The kids all want to hold her. She's such a content little girl, and seems to enjoy being held by her brothers and sister. Below you see Stephen holding Julia, who appears to be looking admirably at her big brother. That was taken last night.
Syndi always wants to hold her little sister. She has waited and prayed long and patiently for a sister. She is excited for the day when Julia joins her in her room when she moves to the crib. Of course, we have yet to move the crib to her room, so it may be a little while. Below you see
Syndi holding Julia this afternoon so Mommy could make dinner.

Julia is doing so well. Just this week we've begun extending her overnight sleeping, allowing her to sleep about 6 hours. She's really beginning to
pudge up. It was neat to watch the "baby fat" spread from her face through her torso, to her arms, down her thighs and finally now reaching the calves. She's a cutie. And as long as she keeps that dark hair, people will think one of these kids is actually Jon's!
1 comment:
This blog is just BEAUTIFUL! I have read and enjoyed many different topics tonight. Travis is gone, and I had some time....
Keep up the great work, Sylvia and Jon. You are awesome parents and wonderful partners. You are doing a terrific job with your children and your walk with the Lord is inspiring to me. It is a blessing to be your friend.
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