Our dearest little Julia went to the doctor just the other day. She had her 6-week check-up, and we got some new statistics. Her current weight is 10 pounds, 10.6 ounces (at the 75th percentile for her age). Her length was 24-1/2 inches, which is off the charts. 23 inches would have put her at the 100th percentile, but this was - quite literally - off the chart.

Our pediatrician went on about how girls may outgrow their mothers, but almost never outgrow their fathers. (OK now, she's only 6 weeks old! No need to be looking that far ahead! Syl was the tallest girl in her class for many years until she stopped growing.)

Julia is quite loved by her brothers and sister. If you called our house now and managed to get the answering machine, you'd hear a cute message with everyone arguing over "my Julia."

She's an eye contact girl. That would make her like her father.
We had a garage sale just over a week ago. It went well, especially for Syndi and Junior. Syndi had a lemonade stand and also sold mini loaves of zucchini bread and banana bread. Junior sold chocolate chip cookies at 10 cents each.

Syndi made her own sign, as you can see above. She made it on the back of last year's sign, as you can see below.

Syndi sold $16.80 worth of her lemonade and bread, and Junior sold $5.25 worth of his cookies. It was a fun day for them.