Our backyard garden is flourishing in spite of the Georgia drought. We do water it every 2 or 3 days, but the right mix of shade, good soil and God's grace has helped it to grow. (Of course, without God's grace there would be no shade or good soil, so it's all His doing!)

This is our garden on June 2. Tomorrow I will take a picture, add it to this post, and let you see how much it's grown in the last 1-1/2 weeks.

Our tomato plants are going gangbusters. I've had to start topping them to limit growth already. Lots of little tomatoes have appeared. Butternut squash is in the foreground.

Our zucchini and yellow squash is doing quite well, too!

More zucchini and yellow squash. To the upper left are the cucumber plants. They have really expanded this week and have literally hundreds of flowers under those leaves. Maybe tomorrow's pictures will show you.

And today's first harvest of zucchini! With a nickel for scale. A yellow squash was picked last week, but Syl chopped it up and served it for dinner before I could snap a pic. At least it tasted good!

Added: This is our garden on June 14. It has grown quite a lot in the last 12 days! The dirt spots are virtually covered/ The front corner even has the canteloupe growing wild. We'll see how that goes. Praise God for His abundant blessing!
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