Friday, June 22, 2007

Today's Haul

This is what I picked from our garden yesterday (Thursday). Some yellow squash, zucchini, and some cucumbers. We still have a few zucchini and cucumbers in the house from the last several days, and more are on the way. I'll have several more of each to pick by this weekend.
Our tomato plants are so large and have so many tomatoes (albeit green) that all but one plant had fallen over. They are as tall (or taller than) me, so twice as tall as their cages, which they pulled right out of the ground. I tied them off to stakes, so we'll see if everything survives.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Garden Flourishes

Our backyard garden is flourishing in spite of the Georgia drought. We do water it every 2 or 3 days, but the right mix of shade, good soil and God's grace has helped it to grow. (Of course, without God's grace there would be no shade or good soil, so it's all His doing!)
This is our garden on June 2. Tomorrow I will take a picture, add it to this post, and let you see how much it's grown in the last 1-1/2 weeks.

Our tomato plants are going gangbusters. I've had to start topping them to limit growth already. Lots of little tomatoes have appeared. Butternut squash is in the foreground.

Our zucchini and yellow squash is doing quite well, too!

More zucchini and yellow squash. To the upper left are the cucumber plants. They have really expanded this week and have literally hundreds of flowers under those leaves. Maybe tomorrow's pictures will show you.

And today's first harvest of zucchini! With a nickel for scale. A yellow squash was picked last week, but Syl chopped it up and served it for dinner before I could snap a pic. At least it tasted good!

Added: This is our garden on June 14. It has grown quite a lot in the last 12 days! The dirt spots are virtually covered/ The front corner even has the canteloupe growing wild. We'll see how that goes. Praise God for His abundant blessing!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Pouches Visit Rome

The Pouches and the Caruvanas came together for another Memorial Day. This year the Pouches came to Georgia. We enjoyed a great weekend, and were sad to see them leave.
We love the Pouches, our kids love the Pouches, and we had a lot of fun, as you will see in the pictures.
This year we were blessed to have Alice Grace Pouch visit, too. She is the newest addition to the Pouch family. What a joy she is.Jon and Justin played some football out front. Junior took some pictures (101 to be exact, and that'll be a blog article of its own in a bit), and some were actually pretty good. Here you see Jon tossing the football...
...and Justin dancing a Scandanavian, no...oh - he's catching the football.

Justin and Alice playing in the family room. (Shout out to the Mongolds, who bought that farm for Syndi several years back!)
Did I mention the kids love the Pouches. Here they show their affection for Uncle Justin. Now you know what I go through every few days. Dads and uncles are perfect substitutes for the playgound or your local Jungle Gym.
Sylvia learned from Mary how to cook a fabulous chicken. (I can still smell the garlic!)
Dinner was fun, as we all squeezed around the table.
Ice cream at Bruster's was the perfect dessert.
What a beautiful night. I shot some beautiful sunset pics behind a steeple as we ate our ice cream. (Thanks for pointing out the scene, Justin.) I'll put those in another blog article.
Daddy and son sharing ice cream. As you can see, Jon can certainly afford to share his ice cream.
Junior got into it...literally.
Syndi playing with Alice.
Justin by his sign.
Time to show Aunt Mary some affection.
Nice hair, Marzy.
Alice in Caruvanaland.
Time for goodbyes. Syndi gave Alice a hug.
Mary & Sylvia