Syndi and Junior went ape over the statue of the gorilla. (Sorry, I couldn't help it.) Junior is getting SO big.

Again, it was feeding time for the animals. Seemed to be so at every exhibit. I guess they have nothing else to do all day...no predators to hide from, no food to hunt down, no prey to track, no habitat to build. The silver platter seems to be just outside the picture here.

Syndi and Junior loved watching these guys chase down the food the zookeepers were throwing to them.

Lots of exhibits = Lots of walking.

Sylvia, Syndi and Junior stand before the Asian Bamboo Forest.

An orangutan strikes a humorous pose. Speak no evil, maybe? This guy was a real character. He knew he had an audience, and he played up to it.

LuLu and JuneBug with Mr. Speak No Evil beyond.

Syndi strikes a relaxed pose like the Lioness.

Junior looks fierce like the Lion.

Syndi with outstretched claw like another Lioness.
At the end of a long day, our kids sat with some lion statues not far from the entrance to the Atlanta Zoo.

Syndi and Junior scampered from the statues to a nearby glen of bamboo trees. Soon after we were on our way home. It was a fun but tiring day.
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