Friday, July 24, 2009

Visiting Michigan

At the end of June, Sylvia and the kids went to Michigan.
Sylvia worked on getting the house ready for Dad to sell.
The kids loved visiting with Grandpa,
and spending time with the Pouches.
Syndi loved holding Hazel.
Sylvia did a lot of work, but the kids got some time to play. They celebrated Junior's birthday at the end of June, and Jon came up to Michigan several days later (in early July). We'll have pictures from those in the next posts to the blog. :-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Junior's Butterflies

Junior recently got a butterfly cage. The cage came with an offer to buy some Painted Lady butterfly larvae, so we took the plunge. In June, we went through a several week process of feeding the larvae, waiting for them to cocoon, pinning them up in the cage, watching them hatch, feeding them and... the end, letting them go. Here Junior is about to open his cage and set his butterflies free.

We received 5 larvae, and 4 survived - amazingly enough - to hatch in the cage. We thought we'd lost a couple along the way, but left them in the cage, and they actually survived.
The reality of losing his butterflies was hard on Junior. Upon hatching, they only have a two-week life span. They were in our house for a week-and-a-half, and we were about to leave for Michigan, so knew it was time to let them go.
Junior and Syndi were fascinated and sad in alternating fashion.
Sylvia? Well, she was a little iffy on the butterflies flying out at her.
After all, Painted ladies are very aggressive ~ riiiiight!
Our last escapee flew right over to the gutter at the corner of the house, where we all gazed upon it in fascination. They are beautiful butterflies.
Junior was overcome with grief at the thought of losing his last butterfly. Poor guy.
He said his final goodbye.
Julia, however, wanted to hold the butterfly.
Syndi sadly watched also, and a few minutes later, we watched the last of Junior's Painted Ladies fly off into the sunset. It was a good experience for Junior, who loves the outdoors and animals and critters. Perhaps we shall try this again next year.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Garden 2009

We planted a garden again this year, and this is the bounty we harvested earlier this week.
We picked tomatoes, mint, basil, stevia, lemon balm
and - yes - pumpkins!
Oh, I love the colors!
Junior has been a major help, doing almost all of the garden harvesting. He loves the garden!
Earlier in June we harvested some zucchini and yellow squash. Unfortunately the squash bugs got to our squash plants, and they are no more (even in spite of us trying to intermix the squash and tomato plants, which was supposed to help ~ if you have ideas for us for next year on keeping squash bugs away, please let us know!).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Syndi Gets Glasses

Early in June, Syndi got her new glasses.
She had been complaining about difficulty reading from a distance, and it turned out she needed glasses.
Her new glasses are rose-colored and look pretty cool.
She even worked on her "old grandmother" look!

Syndi was excited about her new glasses, and was even happier to be able to see well again.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chey & Victoria

On the very last night of May the first morning of June, we had some wonderful visitors...sisters Chey and Victoria. Chey and Victoria were part of a youth choir from a sister church in Alabama, and several families from Pleasant Valley North hosted the youth overnight in their homes.
We were one of those host families, and we had a fun evening with the girls, playing Pictionary and talking. It was a great time, and a new experience for Chey and Victoria, whom we returned to PVN in the morning for their return trip to Alabama.