Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Horsing Around

At the end of May, our GRACE homeschool group had a get-together.
Our kids had the opportunity to ride a horse.
Syndi was very excited, and was the first to ride.
Julia looked on eagerly, fascinated by the horse.
Soon, Junior and Jules were preparing for a turn.
Syndi returned from the ride...
...and Junior began to get up on the horse.
That's as far as he got.
He got a little scared, and decided not to ride.
I think he was bummed as he looked on dejectedly.
This is the barn for the horses.
Julia was fascinated as another horse came over to eat her carrots.
She was happy to feed it...
...until after it took its first chomp...then she was happy to let someone nearby hold that carrot.
Syndi enjoyed watching the horses.
Then she took Jules for a ride.
What a nice big sister!
Julia took it all in stride.
We get to ride horses every day, right? Not.
Aren't they adorable?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

We celebrated Memorial Day with some friends from church - the Blackwelders and the McCurrys.
Jon grilled hamburgers and hot dogs.
We spent time outside talking and playing.
Here ZioB (Martin Blackwelder) and Julia enjoy some time together.
Caleb enjoyed playing badminton.
And Jules enjoyed mooching food from Andrea.
It was a fun afternoon for us all.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Aunt Chris & Uncle Brent & Marquis Visit

In May, we enjoyed a visit from the Carters.
Here Marquis is getting a good look at Julia.
Julia had fun hanging out with Marquis and Uncle Brent.
An afternoon at the park.
I think Marquis had the lead in this shot!
Stephen loved showing Marquis the ropes.
The whole crew went to the Creative Discovery Museum in Chattanooga, TN.
The kids had a lot of fun with the water works.
Now if this doesn't look like trouble, I don't know what does.
Three kids 4 & under at a large tub of water?
That's Syndi peeking out.
Julia and Marquis had a lot of fun.
Julia enjoyed playing Doctor to Uncle Brent...
...but her bedside manner needs some work.
Raspberries, anyone?
Maybe Marquis can do better.
Marquis and Brent checking out a museum exhibit.
Junior performing on a stage.
The special theme this visit was tied to architecture and building styles.
Each of the Caruvanas had a go at making a building.
Here Stephen works on his cinder block house.
Rivaling Donald Trump, Julia built a cardboard tower.
Syndi worked long and did a great job on her wood house.
Junior shows off his brick home.
And, of course, the annual fun at the bubble curtain.
Stephen, following his older brother.
A trip to Kangaroo Jake's was fun one day.
The order of the day was climbing...
...and tumbling...
...and bouncing...
...and being worn out by day's end.
Here Aunt Sylvia hugs and loves on Marquis.
It was a fun visit with Jon's sister and her family.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stephen's Birthday ~ 4 Years Old!

Well, we're a little behind on the blog...Stephen had his fourth birthday in April, and I forgot to post pictures.
He enjoyed getting getting some Cat in the Hat paraphernalia...
...and eating his birthday cupcake!
Junior was also very excited for Stephen. He made him a huge paper birthday party man thing. Stephen is happy to be four, and it was a good, small, quiet celebration.