So we packed up and headed to New Jersey to pack Aunt Lorrie's belongings up and move her to Georgia. We left late morning and made a lunch stop at a rest stop.

The kids did great on the road. (In fact, they really did well for the entire trip.)

We stayed over at Doug and Debbie's near DC. We really enjoyed sitting and talking with them before getting a good night's rest.

This food stop was at Wendy's. I'll have to make another post of Stephen enjoying his Frosty.

On the front porch at Aunt Lorrie's.

The kids enjoyed helping load the ABF truck. They were good helpers all through. The only problem was seeing them around the boxes and furniture we carried.
ABF U-pack is truly a great way to go! Less expensive and easier than driving yourself. Everything arrived just like we packed it.

Water break for Stephen.

Aunt Lorrie had some pretty azaleas planted throughout the yard.

One last day at the Demarest house.

Aunt Lorrie, Jon and the kids on the front porch.

We made a visit to Belmont Street for old times' sake. My grandfather helped build this place. I spent many a holiday here.

Aunt Lorrie enjoyed one last visit.

We stayed at Chris and Brent's palce. Brent grilled some delicious food. Kudos to the cook!

Breakfast after a good rest.

And a group picture outside their apartment.

A passing shot of Philadelphia, near my old stomping grounds.

Beltway traffic in DC.

Junior having fun on the ride.

At our hotel in Virginia, surrounded by beautiful mountains.

Passing through the western part of Virginia. It's a beautiful place!
After a jaunt through Tennessee, we made it home to Rome.