SyndiLu has lost a lot of teeth over the last year, but none so noticeable as those two front teeth she lost just before Christmas last year.
She's growing up too fast. It would appear JuneBug hasn't changed much,
but he's thinned out and shot upward.
And he has a lot more attitude. StevieBoy has gone from that pudgy little toddler to a little man.
Following the footsteps of those before him. Julia Grace, the little princess.
A year ago Jules was in the womb. We didn't even have pictures a year ago.
Oh, how she's grown. Jon and Sylvia.
Jon has a lot more gray hairs at his temples than last year.
Jon found Sylvia's lone silver hair, and proudly pointed it out to all the children.
(To show her wisdom to them, of course!)
It's been a good year.
And if we're diligent and start working on it tomorrow, we'll get a newsletter out in the next few weeks to tell everyone about it.
Have a blessed 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year 2008!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Fantastic Gymnastic!

excitedly showing Daddy his "twinkle, twinkle little star."

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas 2007

It's been a very busy few weeks since we returned from Texas.

We sang songs by the fire before the kids went to bed.

for which Jon spent many nights working on the signs.
But it went very well, as we said on the previous blog post.

Our Christmas tree in the living room had a beautiful glow last night.
Merry Christmas everyone!
A Night in Bethlehem

printed the above article on the front page of Sunday's paper.

Syndi worked in the marketplace, originally in the dye shop, although she was free to roam the market and wander up to the inn.

the Census takers (at the entrance),
the Marketplace (with 4 different "shops" - dye, rope, bakery, and fruit & veggies),
the Inn (with an innkeeper turning away everyone, including Joseph and Mary),
the Shepherds in the field with the Angels,
and the Stable scene (complete with wise men, shepherds and live sheep).

We had 267 vehicles pass through with 842 people from 6PM to 8PM.
It went well for our first year.
Monday, December 17, 2007
A Frosty Visit
There he met Jen, a school teacher. Now their family serves in PNG, where Dan keeps their planes and helicopters flight ready. They are here in the States for only another month, after which they return to PNG.
Stephen enjoyed playing with Bethany. They made lots of noise together.
Jon enjoyed talking with his old friend, Dan. (Not that Dan is old, mind you. Though I did tell him he was looking old...hah! [Please note that he is younger than Jon.])
It was good to catch up. Our family really enjoyed having them visit, and we hope they come again next time they're stateside.
Please pray for the Snows as they return to PNG and continue to serve the Lord oversees.